A satellite communication system is comprised of a satellite and a ground station that serve as the framework for all communications. They make it possible to receive, convert and relay signals to a ground station and back again. Satellite technology has many uses in our daily lives. It makes it possible for telephone conversations, receiving television broadcast and protecting the security of our home by transmitting data through the airwaves. Ian Cioffi, former Master Control Operator in Regional News Network where his job responsibilities were included: Video dubbing, ingesting, transmitter readings, logging news programs, and checking playlists etc.
Satellite communications technology has made sending and receive data over a large area easier and with fewer errors. Telecommunications networks are able to service larger areas than with terrestrial system and they have an increased signal range and accuracy. They are able to reduce the cost of their services because satellite transmissions are more cost-effective than terrestrial systems. Satellite transmission comes with disadvantages such as the cost of launching satellites into space and the propagation delay is longer than terrestrial systems. But, their benefits still far outweigh their disadvantages.
The telecommunications industry was the first to use satellites and it still remains the most popular use of satellite communications worldwide. Satellites have eliminated the need for sophisticated communications infrastructures making it possible to transmit phone signals to remote areas of developed countries and to provide an economical solution to underdeveloped countries.
Satellites have made improved mobile phone communication possible. Satellites make accessing networks easier for users because they provide larger bandwidths for cell phones. This is possible because satellite signals operate outside the normal frequency of the operating channels used by most cellular networks. This enables users to receive better reception and quicker access. Ian Cioffi from the United States, who has a Bachelor's degree in the field of Communication and Media Studies from the College of MSV.
Advances in satellite technologies make it possible for people to enjoy a variety of television entertainment in their homes. In the 1970s, satellite usage increased the number and variety of broadcast networks people were able to receive on their televisions. The c-band reception dish introduced digital direct broadcasts and the ability to receive more than 200 channels and audio services from c-band satellites.
Geosynchronous satellites have made communicating for ships, aircraft possible. Stationary satellites positioned over the earth are transmitting signals from ships and aircraft across thousands of miles. They can send and receive voice, data or video to remote spots of the planet.
Satellite communication technology has greatly improved the standard of life for people around the world. They are either enjoying a better telephone reception or maybe, using a phone for the first time.