Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ian Cioffi: Five best Tips to become a Fire Fighter

Firefighting is very demanding, risky, the work can get intense, and isn't for just anyone. Having said that, if you desire it badly enough, you could possibly reach your desire of getting a career job in a fire establishment of your choosing. Many men and women whose objective is to learn how to become firefighter. Ian Cioffi is one of the best Fire Fighter in the United States. Following are some tips to become a best FireFighter:

1. The personal qualities required to become a firefighter:
The majority of the firefighter selection process is structured around what is known as the Firefighter Personal Qualities and Attributes (PQAs).
When you make your application to join the Fire Service you should be supplied with a copy of these important qualities. If you are not provided with them you can quite easily obtain a copy of them by searching for them on the internet, as they are freely available within the public domain.
These important qualities form the basis of the role of an operational firefighter and therefore it is imperative that you use them as a basis for your  preparation. When you complete the firefighter application form you should have a copy of the PQAs next to you. When you prepare for the interview you should also have a copy of the PQAs next to you.

You will be assessed in relation to the qualities throughout the varying sections of the selection process, from the initial application form through to the interview.
Ian Cioffi
2. Demonstrating a commitment to Diversity and Integrity:
This basically means that you should be able to treat people fairly, both at work and within the community. Having an awareness of your community is very important to the firefighter's role. When you deal with people, both at work and within the community that you are serving, you should always maintain an open approach. When you join the Fire Service you will be expected to uphold the relevant values, be honest, and also be accountable for your own actions. Finally, if whilst at work you notice someone behaving in an unacceptable manner, then you should be prepared to challenge that behavior if it is inconsistent with the values of the Fire Service.

3. Being open to change within the Fire Service:
The Fire Service is a changing organization. As with any organization that has a desire to continually improve, change is a must. In order for that change to be implemented successfully, firefighters need to be accepting of it. Before you apply to join the Fire Service, it is important you understand that there is a need for change, as there is in any organization. During your career as a firefighter, there will be many different changes to working practices that you will need to embrace. As technology and safety procedures/equipment improve, so will the need for working practices and procedures within the Fire Service.
When you join the service you will undoubtedly attend many incidents but there is also a preventative side to the job. After all, their safe future is in your hands. Teach them well now and they will hopefully be safe for their entire lives. In essence, it is imperative that you embrace and support change as a firefighter.

4. Demonstrating a level of confidence and resilience:
As you can imagine, as a firefighter you will attend some tough incidents. These incidents will test your physical strength, your emotional stability and your ability to remain calm when all around you is going wrong. When people are leaving burning buildings, you will be running in, using your skills and your equipment to save life and property. Therefore, with all of this in mind, you must be able to remain in control of your emotions during emergency incidents.

Ian Cioffi
5. Having an ability to work with other people:
As you can imagine, firefighters have to work in teams. The size of the team will depend on a number of factors including the nature of the task in hand. However, as a rule of thumb, they usually work in teams ranging from 2 to 20 people. Therefore, having the ability to work effectively as a member of a team is crucial to the role. In order for a team to work effectively and efficiently, the members of that team need to have a positive relationship. They don't necessarily have to personally like each other, but they need to have a good, strong working relationship. As a firefighter, you will work with many different teams including members of different services such as Police and Ambulance crews. As with other members of the emergency services, you will need to have an ability to reassure and calm members of the public.
Finally, when you are working in the community you will want to present a positive image of the Fire Service. Naturally, you will be proud to work as a firefighter and this must come across in your day-to-day work. The Fire Service has an important and respected image to protect and it will be your job as a firefighter to uphold it.